Use this checklist to make sure your checkout pages are going to actually convert
[ ] Beautiful, clean visuals. Make sure your banner image and images embedded in Checkout copy are clean & beautiful.
[ ] Make sure you’re accepting Apple Pay – research shows iPhone users have higher odds of checking out if there’s Apple Pay supported. Tools like come with Apple Pay checkout so definitely try that Creator Store
[ ] Be authentic in your copy. Make sure your checkout pitch copy sounds like yourself!
[ ] Highlight the effectiveness of your product clearly. Explain in plain English how your product will take the customer from Point A → Point B in the best way possible.
[ ] Consider a video banner header. Upload a video sales pitch as your header and explain why people will get value form your digital product:
[ ] Add customer reviews/testimonials - this is critical. Testimonials will give your checkout page more credibility + social proof.
[ ] Lead with value by mentioning the effectiveness of your product. Clearly explain what value followers will receive from you digital product.
[ ] Make sure your sales copy isn’t too long. Christine does a great job:
[ ] Don’t overcharge for passive products like e-books. Coaching programs / lengthy online courses tend to cost more — passive products like e-books are rarely exceed more than $60 USD.
[ ] Announce the launch of your store! 🚀
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Next Chapter:
Social Media CTA & Thumbnail Optimizations